“I love working as part of Team Impelo - staff provide a safe space where I feel I can be honest (without judgement), where I feel supported and at ease”
Dance builds connections to other people, places, worlds. At Impelo we want to:
Make Powys an incredible place to grow dance careers - through artist originated projects, residencies, CPD and practice development as well as a range of professional opportunities for graduate, emergent, return and mid career stage dance professionals.
Develop new audiences for dance through co producing transformative and enthralling dance programmes with communities, in schools and digitally.
Develop new practice and production models for dance - through producing bold work by new artistic voices telling compelling stories through dance about science and our world and exploring new socially engaged and environmentally responsible touring models.
Be a UK model of best practice for organisational and programme equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging in the rural context - through our inclusive dance programmes resource allocation, residencies, work and ideas origination and collaborations with POC dancers or led organisations.
It’s easy to wonder at the beautiful, unpeopled landscape and forget the challenges that this creates to develop a creative career or to access a range of services here.
We have a good deal of unseen poverty - the median average income in Powys is 38% lower than the UK average. Whilst the child population is falling in Powys, the over 65 age group is set to increase dramatically.
There are a great many barriers to accessing services here, but as champions for the ways that dance can change people’s lives on so many levels, we share our the benefits of dance in any way we can. We do this through co-producing projects and programmes with communities, for example our project with families in work poverty, at risk children and young people, refugee communities, differently abled children and adults and older people. We often work with partners and agencies to ensure our effectiveness in bringing about real change, for example Flying Start, Mind, Dementia Matters Powys, the Health Board and County Council.
Current Inclusion, Diversity and Talent Projects
Whether it’s through performance, community outreach or workshop delivery, at the heart of Y Nyth is a desire to support and nurture those creating dance work in Powys.
Impelo loves creating stimulating work to inspire the next generation of dance audiences. CELL explored the process of creating professional dance work for children aged 7 - 11 to explore science through dance.
Me Myself and Us is our inclusive creative dance session for adults with learning disabilities and their carers, held weekly on a Friday morning during term time at the Dance Centre in Llandrindod.
Prosiect Epynt is a co-devised creative response to the impact of the Epynt Clearance of 1940, exploring themes of Welsh language, displacement and its intergenerational impact.
Glanio started in 2021 through Artscape a project with Impelo, Articulture, Natural Resources Wales and Powys County Council exploring possibilities for post pandemic recovery through creating work in the Powys landscape.