Our Approach to Working in Education Settings
We’ve always loved working in schools to deliver dance workshops as we know this is a great way to reach more children and young people, and potentially open more doors to the world of dance.
Over the past few years we’ve developed a range of new projects and programmes for Early Years settings and schools to support the transition to the new Curriculum for Wales. Our primary aim has been to develop teachers’ confidence to use dance and movement as a subject, as a way to explore the curriculum and as a way to manage wellbeing and transitions in class, through Welsh or English.
“We have loved it - working with YOUR pupils in YOUR environment is a much better way to receive training….I am amazed by what they (the pupils) achieved”
We know from our conversations that many teachers just don’t know where to begin, we hear things like “I’m not a dancer - I can’t stand in front of my class and show them what to do!” Knowing that teachers are used to facilitating all kinds of other activities, we've been determined to reassure and upskill educators that they really can do it!
Through a mixture of practitioner-led and teacher training sessions, we’ve brought dance and movement into education settings in a variety of ways:
Practitioner-led dance classes (via zoom & Youtube during Covid restrictions)
Practitioner-led wellbeing sessions for teachers (via zoom & Youtube during Covid restrictions)
In-school practitioner-led curriculum exploration sessions
Practitioner-led after school and holiday club sessions
Online teacher training sessions
Organised teacher training days
In-school teacher training programmes
A new online platform, Cinetig, for educators with bilingual resources that include videos for team-teaching with, videos to support planning, videos to boost teachers’ own physical confidence, lesson plans and word banks