The importance of performance

We’ve enjoyed some brilliant performances this year from our community groups…..

Impelo North Powys groups took to the stage at Theatr Hafren in March, Talgarth Twisters performed at the Family Dance Festival at Theatr Brycheiniog during the Easter holidays, then in June our Mid Powys groups performed two shows at The Dance Centre and our youth dancers performed recently at the South Powys Dance Festival with Sport Powys, again at Theatr Brycheiniog.

This Friday just gone we enjoyed another performance from 2 of our groups in Llandrindod, Senior Moment(um) our over 60’s dance group and MMU our inclusive group for adults with learning differences. Both groups performed routines for each other, then together enjoyed a disco and a dance before sharing a cup of tea and cake, and it was the perfect way to finish off the term.

Beth our dance practitioner in North Powys has been doing these performance sharings with our North Powys over 60’s group and inclusive adults group for a couple of years now, and it’s always absolute joy to see the photos and videos, especially when everyone comes together at the end to have a disco - now that’s our kind of party! We couldn’t help but replicate her model with our groups in Mid Powys, our practitioners really are inspiring.

Sometimes it’s always a question of, do we do another performance? Do we say yes to performing at an event? Especially when our classes are drop in, we don’t like to put too much pressure on our participants as many of them don’t always like to perform but when we find ways to share performances with other groups and enjoy the social benefits of dance it hits home how important it is to create these opportunities for our groups.

Only recently our youth dancers fed back to us that their favourite part about performing in June, apart from the dance, was being backstage getting to know the other groups, in other words being a community, socialising and enjoying sharing that sense of occasion with somebody else.

So whether you’ve attended a performance, seen a small sharing of work, performed on a big stage or performed at the end of class one week, thank you for being brave and showing us the awesome power of dance and all the many benefits it can give us that we don’t always get to see first hand!