Keeping on our toes
Powys Dance is a member of the Wales Wide Training Programme and Network - a consortium of community dance organisations in Wales that programme training for the dance practitioners we work with.
Rhian Lowe, currently garnering rave reviews for the work she's doing with us to expand our programme in south Powys tells us about the recent WWTP event held at Rubicon Dance in Cardiff, and led by Paul Kitcher from Fallen Angels Dance Theatre:
“The training day with Paul Kitcher was inspiring, motivating, energetic, supportive and informative. I have taken away new channels to access movement, various approaches for choreography, adopted new methods for creating a calm and supportive atmosphere to name a few. I am fascinated by the work of Fallen Angels and believe that the ideologies being practiced can be transferred to a variety of ages and abilities. We all know how vital it is to know your learners to set up sessions to create, guide and support in a way that is best for them, to enable and optimise progression. Hearing stories, sharing ideas and watching interviews with Paul and his company demonstrate how effective these actions are. Paul was very relaxed and encouraging throughout the day upon entering the room he makes you feel at ease and welcomed. Entering a training day or development workshop can be anxiety inducing for many, Paul has a kind and caring nature which is noticeable from the outset. ”