Dahl Dances despite drizzle!
Let the dancing commence!
It was a joy to kick off our family dance project, DAHL DANCES today in mizzly drizzly Newtown. Sadly, three of our participant families had emailed in sick, but we're hoping they recover later in the week and join the fun!
Sean warmed us up with some games and then we had a go drawing our favourite Dahl images from his stories. This meant we got the chance to doodle Violet Beauregarde turning into a blueberry!
We then began to create some moves in our family groups, led by the youngest family members, who then did a great job of teaching the other participants the moves.
With plenty of breaks for sandwiches, it was an easy-going creative morning.
As we're in Powys, we do have a plan B if the weather is truly awful, which is to escape to a nearby church hall. However on Monday afternoons the Newtown Sequence Dance group have a tea dance there. We decided to go along and see what moves we could pick up!
Sean King learning to sequence dance.
It was a fast paced first hour with lessons in the Sirrocco Rumba, White City Waltz and the Melody Foxtrot (aren't the names wonderfully evocative?).
Check out this move!
We invited the group to come along to our sharing event at the Park outside Oriel Davies on Friday to show some of their dances.
The group meets every Monday, 1pm to 4pm at the Wesley Methodist Church Hall and is £2 for an hour's lesson and a social dance, including a much needed mid way tea and biscuit.
As for the Dahl Dances gang, tomorrow morning we're aiming to make some masks and other props, with some dancing in the afternoon. It's not to late to join us! We meet at 10am at Oriel Davies, or if you arrive later, just ask at the reception desk for details of where we are. Dahl Dances is free, but adults, you must come with a child and vice versa - this is a something to do as a family. We hope to see you there!