Can we dance Dahl?
Just back from a meeting with the lead dance artist on our Dahl Dances family summer school in the Oriel Davies park, Newtown. It was thrilling to see check the park out, and discover some great nooks and crannies for dancing fun!
When we ask people what they'd like to us to do, they mostly say "things that we can do as a family, that are cheap and free!" - so hear it is, a week long dance project, outdoors, that you can do with all the family; that is indeed, FREE!
We've very pleased to be welcoming Sean to Powys - he shares with us a passion for collaborating with participants to make a unique creative works. We're hoping that by the end of the week we'll have created some sort of performance in the park.
We're also glad to be partnering Oriel Davies on this project, and during the summer, their own art workshops will be making masks and props for our performance. We cannot wait! If you think you'd like to join us for the week beginning Monday 22nd August, then find out more and book online here.
Lead artist, Sean King.