The Youth and Family Information Service is a one-stop shop where parents, carers, young people and professionals can obtain a range of information for children and young people aged 0-25 years and their families. They can signpost you towards groups in your areas and where to go for all kinds of support.
Enter your postcode to check eligibility for: high quality funded childcare, family support through Incredible Years programmes, intensive Health Visitor support, and support for early years language development.
A perinatal mental health service designed and developed by mums for mums.
Explains postnatal depression and other perinatal mental health concerns, including possible causes, treatments and support options. Also has information for friends and family, including support and advice for partners.
Mind - Support for Partners
Support Links and pathways to county wide support including financial support, childcare offers, emotional wellbeing support and where to find activities/groups.
Home-Start Cymru offers free, confidential support and practical help to parents of young children living across Wales who are going through a difficult time.
Is your child 0-5 years old? Get free tips on their speech & language development - your child's brain is amazing - Find out more about how you can help them to talk today. Talk to your child, fun tips & advice and free parent resources.
Training, resources and information for starting you and your child's bilingual journey through play, massage, story and rhyme time. Search for welsh medium childcare in your area. Access Clwb Cwtsh - 8 week, free welsh learning sessions
Singing, play and reading resources for early years development, also lots of advice on reading, health and development of your child and the importance of play.
Support for parents and families to participate in their children’s development, information on the different types of early years childcare and education available to parents. Welsh Active Early Years Project resources.
This is a link to their parenting twitter page - the content is very funny and reflective of life with little people. Some of the comments from other parents may just get you through the day!
Information, resources and contacts for families with disabled children, those recently diagnosed and those going through the diagnosis process. Includes support for children with rare conditions and those who don’t have a diagnosed condition. Advice on common concerns - helping you and your child sleep, behaviour that challenges, speech and language difficulties and more.
Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids. Interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence - and get kids into yoga and mindfulness!
The Hungry Little Minds campaign offers ideas on how to nurture and support your child's language development with easy and accessible resources aimed at 0-5 years.
Jabadao are the pioneers of movement play in the early years! You'll find so many interesting articles, they offer training as well as have an online shop for movement play resources.
Today over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton symbols and signs, either as their main method of communication or as a way to support speech. This website has a free Makaton resource library and links to online/in person courses as well as info on who it works for, how it works and how to start using it.
Access information on the support and services available to new parents through the NHS. Tips for new parents, info on various post natal scenarios (e.g. depression, stress, tiredness, relationships, contraception, body changes).
If you're interested in learning more about how movement and dance can aid physical development for your child then the Primed for Life website is a great place to start!
Movement videos designed for you to dance together with your little ones, specifically created for children with disabilities it includes Makaton, audio description and representation of different bodies all dancing together.
Loads of brilliant suggestions for activities to do with your growing little ones, they also run quizzes and dispel a lot of parenting myths! Well worth a follow for some fun and support.