“‘I felt a bit alone during my pregnancy and also overwhelmed post birth when it came to attending groups etc as a new mum. Impelo offers such a unique session that is so different to anything else and is so needed in our area. I’m able to bond and move with my baby in the company of parents who are on the same journey I am, at the same time, going through the same things’ ”
Impelo delivers a movement programme called Bach: nurturing movement creativity for under 5’s in Powys, which includes the following work;
Babi Bach - Movement, Song and Sensory session for 0 - 12 months
Mawr Bach - Parent/Carer and toddler movement session for 1 - 4 years
Pobl Bach - Independant dance session for 3 + 4 years
Creadigol Bach - Creative curriculum sessions delivered in early years settings
Meithrin Bach - Dance mentoring and training for early years practitioners
Bach is a co devised creative movement programme which aims to improve happiness, health, connection and learning through a mix of mentoring, weekly sessions and bespoke projects in communities across Powys. At the heart of our work with settings is to support staff using more creative movement methods across the early years framework and with families we aim to give parents/carers confidence with their babies and toddlers, enabling them to connect to other parents through dance movement play.
We know that how we develop in the first 5 years of life can be integral to who we are and how we respond to things as adults. Bach builds on our successful dance and movement pilot in 2021 which had such positive impacts for babies born in lockdown and under 5s and their adults (Babi Bach, Mawr Bach and Pobl Bach).
With SVF funding from PAVO we were able to upskill and develop our work with 0-12 months, supporting parents of babies born in lockdown to find their physical confidence and connect with their babies and community.
Captured below, the findings from this initial pilot project have secured further funding for the Bach project in Powys
Pilot Project - Big Fish Little Fish and Big Fish Baby Fish
Our Bach project is currently developing roots and routes into other communities in Powys, with funding from Comic Relief we’re able to increase the team delivering to early years and increase our outreach across Powys. Working alongside Powys Teaching Health Board, Flying Start and Health Visiting teams in Powys we’re developing our work with babies and piloting a perinatal programme later this year.
We will be working collaboratively with communities, identifying gaps in provision and co-designing sessions as we go.
Please email for more information.