“Thank you for a fab session, you’re all very enthusiastic and inspiring. I cannot wait to take these ideas back to school. You make creative dance and movement fun and engaging, thank you all very much!”
Bach a Iach - Small and Healthy is an early years initiative through Public Health Wales and supported by Sport Powys which works to assist settings and schools across Powys to give young learners a healthy start in life.
Part of the project consists of online teacher training to preschool and Primary School staff in Powys to support them using more healthy learning initiatives with their learners. We’ve been delivering movement training for the last year and a half supporting school staff with lots of different ways to embed creative movement into learning, creating a generation of learners who feel good moving with increased physical confidence.
This training has consisted of;
How to develop dance lesson plans
Quick Wins and go to exercises for short blasts of movement
Dance using props
Dance using themes
The New Curriculum - Expressive Arts
Impelo has delivered 5 online learning sessions and reached over 40 schools and settings in Powys.
The Big Scrunchie
As part of this work we were also able to make and distribute some dance resources to pre-school settings signed up to the training. We worked with a local seamstress to create 30 Impelo dance scrunchies.
At Impelo we use these big scrunchies in a myriad of different ways to support creative movement, gross motor develop and language skills so felt as a team they were a brilliant way to nurture learning and teacher confidence using movement in the classroom - and the teachers loved their versatility too!
“Thank you for the big scrunchie, we use it as part of story time and the children love making up actions to different parts of our stories.”
If you’ve been to any of these training sessions with us you can access a Bach a Iach platform of resources here.
Please email for the password.